Pictures can sometimes be deceiving... For instance, it seems that I have been really busy in July but in reality, I decided to finish up some products which were on their last legs in my bathroom for some time now.
Then again, since I did use them up in the end, they earned their right to be a part od today's post.
Heat is in its full bloom in Croatia. And it has been like that for a while. Temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius mean that we all sweat more. My usually very nice, long hair is no exception.
Some of the hair products that I used up in July are EMIBO Argan Silk shampoo and conditioner.
These are natural products made by Croatian brand which are not easy available. At least I didn't see them around. I first tried them at my hairdresser's and was thrilled! I immediately took some generous samples home and was even more excited. So much, that I bought a bottle of each next time. But then, I was kind of confused because the quality of my products was different from the ones that my hairdresser used on me. In the end I wasn't sure how I felt about them, so my review never saw the light of day. Now, I think that I will finish and publish that post so you could know exactly how I feel about them and to learn a little more about the products themselves.

I also used up a bottle of
Nivea Long Repair conditioner with liquid keratin, which promises triple action on your roots, lenghts and tips. I bought it because of a very positive review of the one minute treatman/hair mask, which
anaviglam raved about. I couldn't find the mask, so I decided to try this conditioner from the same line. My experience was also very positive. It is a nourishing conditioner which smells very nice (like a more toned down version of Nivea's hand cream) and makes your hair silky smooth. It can be heavy on your hair if you use too much product or don't wash your hair thoroughly enough after applying it, but when you find a perfect formula for yourself (my hair is fine but I have a lot of it, it is long and coloured), I think that you will be very happy with this product. Another thing that I must mention is that it also makes combing out your hair super easy, especially if you use it with
Macadamia No Tangle brush.

And my last hair care empties are two used up bottles of Batiste XXL Volume dry shampoos.
Although Batiste dry shampoo is a staple in my bathroom, I can't really say that I used it a lot during July. To be honest, I found these two bottles almost empty in my bathroom cupboards and decided to finish them. There was just enough in both bottles for one application. Since I constantly write about them I really have to write a review... For those of you who maybe don't know about these kind of products, they aren't a complete substitute for normal shampooing. You still have to wash your hair. These are for those days when you haven't had the time to wash your hair or to add some volume to your roots. They work amazingly for that! The only minus is that your hair will look clean but will also be a little dry and won't be as soft as it would be if you washed it in an old fashioned way. Like you have some hair spray in it but without so much crunchiness.

In my July favourites I told you that I am not into heavy body creams or butters during hot summer months. I used my
Balea In Shower Body milk almost exclusively, with something more nourishing now and then on drier parts of my body, like elbows. Yet, here you see two empty pots of body creams. No, I didn't lie. Both of these were also almost empty in my bathroom.
Avon's Dazzling Moments body cream
was a part of a set with the perfume, and like the body scrub I already mentioned in my empties post, I wasn't crazy about its scent. Perfume went to a friend of mine and body cream and scrub were already opened so I decided to finish them up. This cream isn't too heavy, it has sort of a whipped cream consistency and isn't crazy nourishing. I wouldn't buy it again or recommend it.

The other empty pot is a completely different story. Alba Botanica is available in Croatia only in DM stores. But last summer I heard that they are not going to carry their products anymore, so I bought couple of them while they were still on the shelves. On that note, I don't know why, but they are still on their shelves? To make a long story shorter, one of the products that I bought was Alba Botanica Hawaiian body cream with coconut milk. In my opinion the best product from the bunch that I bought! I didn't finish it completely because I wanted to write a review and I didn't want to be without it, but then I saw it on the shelves again and bought myself a new pot. This is not a greasy cream but it nourishes my skin perfectly. After it, my skin feels healthy and soft to the touch... It smells like raw coconut, not at all like coconut sun creams, so if that is what you are looking for, you might not like this. But the smell is so natural that I don't think many would mind it. I highly recommend this product!
I also finished two deodorants. One was a natural version and the other one is a tipical drugstore roll-on from Nivea, which is not as natural.
I talked about Nivea's roll-ons so many times before and mentioned them in my Favourites that it is not a secret how I feel about them. For me they are great and anyone could find a scent for their taste. They promise a 48 hour protection, which claim I can't confirm or dispute because I can't imagine a scenario (in normal life) in which I wouldn't shower for that long. But, it really carries me through my work day smelling nice. My current choice is Nivea Powder Touch roll-on and yes, I do recommend it.

And then there is a natural version that I couldn't wait to get my hands on. Everyone on YouTube raves about these deodorants so I had to try at least two. My choices were Fresh Vanilla Lemon and Vanilla Lavender, and if you still don't know what I am talking about, it is Lavanila deodorants that I got my hands on. More exactly, this time I am mentioning the Fresh Vanilla Lemon version. I must be fair and say that I haven't tried the Lavender version yet but my lemony kind is done. Firstly, I expected this scent to be really lemony with a hint of vanilla, but in reality, this is a boyfriend scent. And then its mojo... Well, how can I say it politely? It stinks! Literally! And this comes from a person who thought she didn't have stinky armpits. Wrong. It wasn't me. It was my Nivea. As you can probably guess I wouldn't recommend this product or buy it again but I am planning to write a full review after I try the Lavender version. Who knows? Maybe it is much better?!

My effervescent magnesium is also gone. I used it when I had a feeling that my body was exhausted and that I don't have any energy left. I don't have a favourite brand but I do urge you to buy things like this from serious and known stores or pharmacies.
And finally, we are in the empty make-up part. I used up only two items, one of which is mascara which isn't uncommon to be seen in empties post, and the other one is a blush that was very loved, lasted me for a very long time and in the end used up to its last particle.
EYEKO Black Magic waterproof drama & curl mascara, as you can imagine, promises dramatic black and curled lashes. I got mine in one of the beauty boxes that I am obsessed with and have another one unopened. No, that doesn't mean that I love it, it only means that I got two in my boxes. Let us start with positive thoughts. It is waterproof mascara which will stay on your lashes even on 40 degrees Celsius but is also easily removed with micellar water in the evening (currently I'm using Garnier's micellar water). But, for someone who loves dramatic lashes, this is just to conservative, polite and not dramatic enough. If you are into natural look of your lashes with just a little pop of black, you will love this. If you are into dramatic and full lashes, I say look away!
My ARTDECO LE blush in a various but mostly peachy colour was very much loved and as you can see, I used it up completely...
Those were all of mine July empties!
So, what do you think? Have you tried any of these products? What did you go through in July?
Tell me...
Love, beautyandbrains007
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