I am not sure how exactly to start this post?! Should I
just start writing and ignore the fact that we haven't heard each other
in a while? Should I tell you that I am not plannig to write exclusively
about my favourites? But then, honestly, I really wanted to share my
favourite things from the past two months. I hope you are in the mood
for them! ;) :)
Lately, well for a while now, my life has
been pretty hectic and you will see that theme in my favourites as well.
I am in a constant struggle to enjoy my passion for beauty products and
routines in a very limited time frame that I have.
So, I had in mind what I need to do to feel content
and good. But at the same time, I allowed myself a couple of quick
fixes. My Batiste Strength & Shy dry shampoo definitely helped me
with that. Because of it I had some extra hours of sleeping when I
needed them, instead of washing and doing my hair until too late in the
night. I love the whole concept of dry shampoos and this one really is
great! It brings my hair back to life, makes it fuller, has an OK scent
and my hair doesn't look like I got carried away with hair spray or look
strawy. If you are in need of such help, do try this one. I love it!!!

So, I took some
occasional shortcuts with my hair but my skin couldn't deal with the
change of seasons. It became really dry, especially on my arms and
elbows, so here I had to take some extreme measures. I pulled out my
smaller pots of Body Shop body butters in order to try and make it a
fair battle. I had three versions: shea, wild argan oil and smoky poppy.
Hm?! Did I like them? My answer is: "To anyone who is reading this, you really need to open a Body Shop store in Croatia, preferably Zagreb!"

I loved all of them but Smoky Poppy was something
special... I became enchanted with its beautiful scent, which is
completely different from what I usually like, its wonderful texture
which was creamy enough, nourishing but not at all heavy or greasy, with
the silky feeling that it left on my skin when I woke up in the
morning... I loved it and still do!!! But there is a catch. I was trying to buy more
of it and found out that it is not always available. Doesn't matter, I
will wait for as long as I need but we will meet again!

From the face skincare domain, nothing
new blew me away. But.. I did start to appreciate more an old
acquaintance of mine. I mentioned Olival at my blog many times and I am
very proud to say that this brand offers many beautiful products. I am
even more proud to say that it is a Croatian natural/organic brand. So,
if you visit my country, you really should buy something from their
range, especially from their immortelle line. Although I raved about
their products many times before (I love their toner), today's favourite
was a bit forgotten. Well, my combination to oily skin had so many dry
patches that I included creamy face cleansers and oils into my routine.
Olival immortelle cleansing milk has a little bit strange consistency, which is very
thin, almost watery, and I didn't have a feeling that it
does something. On the other hand, I immediately liked the fact that it
is very gentle and it didn't sting my face or my eyes. I am not
recommending to pour it directly in your eyes but if used with caution,
it will be very gentle and calming. If it does get into your eyes and
irritate them, you will very easily wash it out with cold water. Since it
has a very thin consistency you can easily spread it on your face. I
suggest to use smaller amounts (nickle size), apply it on your face and eye area,
gently massage it and remove it with cotton pads. I don't immediately
follow with next step because I like to leave it on my skin for a while to
moisturize. Then I use my micellar water to remove any makeup residue
on my eyes, wash my face with water and apply my serums, oils and
creams, depending on the time of the day/night. I also tried and used Erno
Laszlo cleansing oil and I liked this cleansing milk better.

hands were also on the dryness battlefield...so hand creams were a
necessity. Along the way I found Ziaja's Goat Milk hand cream which is
ment for dry and wrinkle prone skin. I thought that if it is good enough
for wrinkles, then it will be good enough for my dry parts! I loved it!
It helped me with my skin, it smells very nice and soft, I even
recommended it to my Significant other who also likes it a lot! I give it
an A+!
lastly, I have only one makeup favourite. I did wear makeup but because
of the lack of time I mostly used my well known products. But this
little guy got its chance and went instantly to the very top of my
charts! It is the Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre (gloss) in the shade
When I was buying CT glosses I went for two shades and Seduction was right from my comfort zone. Sometimes it is good to stay in it.
Totally me. Alone, with pillow talk or iconic nude lip cheat
pencil, on top of a lipstick... You really can wear it whenever and
however you want. It alway looks great, natural and chic. For a gloss,
it is not sticky at all, it is nicely pigmented and if the shade is
something for you, try it out when you get a chance.
So, those were my favourite beauty companions. Small but extremely well behaved crowd.
What did you love...?
Tell me...
Love, beautyandbrains007
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